Dear COEEA members,
Are you passionate about environmental education for people of all ages and backgrounds?
Do you deeply value our mission of engaging, supporting and strengthening a growing collaborative network of individuals, educators and organizations to promote outdoor education and environmental literacy across Connecticut ?
Would you like to put ideas of inclusion, diversity, and environmental justice into action within our EE community?
The Board of Directors is recruiting new board members to join our volunteer team starting January 2022. This is a great opportunity to
Collaborate with like-minded, enthusiastic professionals interested in building community and expanding COEEA's reach
Bring your enthusiasm to a team of volunteers committed to COEEA's mission and vision
Connect with different stakeholders and help bring cross-sector collaborations
The board meets between 6-8 times a year for 1h30min,and we plan to keep most of our meetings for 2022 in a virtual format. One exception will be the first board meeting in January, which will likely be in-person and in a retreat-like format. New board members are expected to serve the board for at least a full year, but appointments can be renewed.
Board members are expected to participate in our action groups, help with our main initiatives (annual conference, annual meeting, mini-grants, awards), attend and engage in our board meetings to make decisions on upcoming events, advocate & be liaison for COEEA, and help recruit new members. We are currently moving forward with our strategic plan, which aims to expand our reach with a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism to become a stronger community that better represents the multifaceted perspectives of our society.
If you are interested or have questions, please reply to this email or reach out to any current Board member:
President: Bill Flynn,
President-Elect & Membership: Gustavo Requena Santos,
Executive Director & Green LEAF Schools: Abby Peklo,
Secretary: Heather Kordula,
Treasurer: Chelsey Hobby,
Website: Francesca Williams,
Listserv & Conference: Laura Cisneros,
Awards & Mini Grants: Sarah Wilby,
At Large: Nicole Freidenfelds, Torey Dake, Kristia Janowski,
We would love to hear from you!
Your COEEA Board of Directors