Professional Development
Please consider attending one of the professional development sessions described below. Check back frequently for updates!
Upcoming Workshops and Conference
Current Workshops and Conferences
Green LEAF Schools Best Practice Workshop (November 8, 2022)
-View the flyer here and register here
-Featured topics include Food waste, Recycling, Outdoor Learning Spaces, Student Action Projects and more
-This is an in-person event: Kellogg Environmental Center, 500 Hawthorne Av, Derby, CT
Past Workshops and Conferences
School Carton Recycling Virtual Convening (April 28, 2021)
-View the agenda here for this event co-sponsored by Carton Council​
-Carton Council: School Council Recycling Presentation
-Hospitality Green: Carton Recycling Presentation
-Middletown's Carton Recycling Work
FREE Fall 2020 Virtual Convening Series (program): via Zoom, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
1. Youth Lead the Way for a Greener World
-For Youth By Youth, Grades 6-12: Wednesday, November 04, 2020
-Thinking about getting involved in the projects for your Green LEAF School? Or how to better connect these projects with your community? Or how to engage your classmates and teachers into green activism? Join us to learn about green youth-led initiatives, ask questions, and share your experience!
2. Energizing CT Green LEAF Schools
-For Educators, Administrators & Caregivers: Thursday, November 05, 2020
-Thinking about applying to become a CT Green LEAF School? Or what you will do as a CT Green LEAF Schoolin a COVID-impacted year? Or how to engage the school and distance-learning students to be greener? Join us to learn from other Green LEAF Schools and initiatives, ask questions and suggestions, and share your experience!
National Turtle Day (May 23rd): Check out the Turtle Ambassadors of CT Nature Centers
CT DEEP Webinar series for distance learning use (11:00am, each is 30 minutes)
Spring is Hopping – Frog (April 8)
Climate Interactive Action (for Grade level 5 and up) (April 9)
Bees and Butterflies (April 15)
Water Down the Drain – Earth Day! (April 22)
CT DEEP Spring 2020 Workshops: (Click here for more information)
AirNow! Air Quality Workshop (April 7)
Project Learning Tree Early Childhood Workshop (April 8) POSTPONED
The Tea Project from Seed to Cup (April 28)
Online Training for Educators on Climate Topics (March 23)
Fall 2019 Green LEAF Best Practices workshop (November 5):
The Green LEAF Best Practices Workshops are a great opportunity to learn about valuable tools and resources to help you along your path to develop a healthier and greener school. Check back in 2021 for the next scheduled workshop.
Fall 2019 School Recycling Workshop (October 23):
School Recycling workshops are a day of networking and learning to help schools understand the magnitude of recycling and how they can improve. Check back in 2021 for the next scheduled workshop.
Missed a Workshop? Check out these presentations!
Fall 2019 Schoolyard Habitat Green LEAF Schools Workshop (September 28):
Please see THIS FLYER for information and to register. FREE opportunity on September 28th at Audubon Greenwich to learn how to create and integrate a schoolyard habitat into your curriculum.
COEEA’s 2019 Conference: “Environmental Education in CT: Maintaining Purpose Now and Tomorrow” on March 27th at Winding Trails in Farmington
(CT Green LEAF Schools may attend at NO CHARGE; COEEA will cover subs)
Webinar Archive
Green Teacher Webinars: Green Teacher is a non-profit organization that strives to help educators, both inside and outside of schools, promote environmental awareness among young people. Webinars are available on numerous topics, including teaching climate change, garden-based education, and more!
The Green Strides Webinar Series promotes sessions that provide free tools to reduce schools’ environmental impact and costs; improve health and wellness; and teach effective environmental education. It provides all schools access to the resources that help them move toward the Pillars of our U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools recognition award.
Green Strides Webinars Archive
US Department of Education’s Green Strides Webinars. Access many webinars on-demand, featuring a wide range of Green LEAF topics–energy to gardens, delivered by US Government agencies over several years. While the Archive link has various webinars to choose from, we recommend you check out “Making change: How you can support farm to school policy this spring” and “The ABCs of School Gardens.“