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Turtle Programs


May 19, 2021 at 6PM Online webinar FREE

On May 19th at 6:00 pm, Kyle Testerman, CT DEEP Wildlife Biologist, will present a virtual webinar, “Turtle Trafficking”. He will give insight into the issues around illegal trade of turtles and turtle materials. This is well suited for ages 10 to adult. To register and receive the link, visit the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's Calendar of Events. Photo by Paul J. Fusco.

WORLD TURTLE DAY TALK May 22, 2021 at 1PM In-person FREE

On May 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm, the Kellogg Environmental Center will be doing an in-person turtle program with live animals. Meet Evelyn Kubik under the tent to learn about turtles’ unique adaptations for survival, as well as some of the challenges they face. Afterwards, visitors can take a walk around the pond and enjoy a StoryWalk®, in addition to a Totally Turtle Scavenger Hunt. Masks are required to attend this World Turtle Day Turtle Talk. Space is limited; register at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protections’ Calendar of Events.


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